From pizza to traditional Turkish cuisine

Welcom to Gino's Restaurant and Bar

My name is Cihangir but everyone calls me Gino.

I come from a town called Karamanmaras. When İ was 18 yrs old, I moved to Fethiye, this was when my journey begon...............

I first worked in the kitchen of a pizza restaurant, my job was washing up + cleaning. İ would spend many hours watching the chef's making pizza's and eventually my boss realised my potential and started traning me to be a pizza chef.

When İ was 20 yrs old, I had to leave to  do my Natıonal Service. Here İ was placed ın the catering courp, where İ learned to cook many Turkish dishes and my love for cooking grew.................................

On returning to Hisarönü İ opened a small Pizza Cafe, İ then moved to larger premises where İ concentrated on learning how to prepare and cook English cuisine.

My customurs grew, so it was time to find bigger premises. Now İ am here in Ovacik, İ have lovely restaurant with beautiful surroundings.

My aim is to provide fresh cooked foods to my customers and İ like to update my menu according to feedback from my custumers.

There is nothing more satisfying than when my customers shake my hand and tell me they have enjoyed their meal, and they return time after tim

— MENU —

Our Offer

Take Away - Free Delivery

— Our Specialities —

Seasoned with perfection

We look forward to your visit

Kitchen opening hours


9:00 - 24.00


9:00 - 24:00


9:00 - 24:00


9:00 - 24:00


9:00 - 24:00


9:00 - 24:00


9:00 - 24:00

Enjoy our hospitality

Just walk in or reserve

Reserve a Table: 

Tel: +905442063723

Gino's Restaurant and Bar Ölüdeniz
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